Box Score
West Valley at San Mateo
@ San Mateo (College of San Mateo
10/2/2024 at 3:00 PM
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
West Valley (13-3, 3-0) |
8 |
7 |
5 |
4 |
24 |
San Mateo (0-3, 0-3) |
0 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
-- 1st
West Valley
San Mateo
West Valley |
07:49 |
Sy Lazzaroni
(Ethan MacLeod )
1 |
0 |
West Valley |
07:19 |
Taine Pickering
(Sy Lazzaroni )
2 |
0 |
West Valley |
06:27 |
Phil Portisch
3 |
0 |
West Valley |
04:40 |
Mateja Cetkovic
(Danny Rendon )
4 |
0 |
West Valley |
04:13 |
Lucas Castro
5 |
0 |
West Valley |
02:58 |
Danny Rendon
6 |
0 |
West Valley |
02:47 |
Danny Rendon
7 |
0 |
West Valley |
00:29 |
Ethan MacLeod
8 |
0 |
-- 2nd
West Valley
San Mateo
West Valley |
07:20 |
UP - Ethan MacLeod
(Phil Portisch )
9 |
0 |
West Valley |
06:50 |
Taine Pickering
(Mateja Cetkovic )
10 |
0 |
West Valley |
06:30 |
Zalan Hegedus
(Mateja Cetkovic )
11 |
0 |
San Mateo |
06:15 |
UP - Olin Gawel
11 |
1 |
West Valley |
05:07 |
Ethan MacLeod
12 |
1 |
West Valley |
04:44 |
UP - Zalan Hegedus
(Mateja Cetkovic )
13 |
1 |
San Mateo |
04:27 |
Roman Brush
13 |
2 |
West Valley |
02:07 |
Phil Portisch
(Mateja Cetkovic )
14 |
2 |
West Valley |
00:10 |
Danny Rendon
(Liam Rogers )
15 |
2 |
-- 3rd
West Valley
San Mateo
West Valley |
07:35 |
Zalan Hegedus
(Ethan MacLeod )
16 |
2 |
West Valley |
06:18 |
Taine Pickering
(Sy Lazzaroni )
17 |
2 |
West Valley |
05:47 |
Taine Pickering
(Sy Lazzaroni )
18 |
2 |
West Valley |
04:49 |
Taine Pickering
(Sy Lazzaroni )
19 |
2 |
West Valley |
01:35 |
Alex Portera
(Sy Lazzaroni )
20 |
2 |
-- 4th
West Valley
San Mateo
West Valley |
07:35 |
Danny Rendon
(Will Sidford )
21 |
2 |
West Valley |
04:56 |
Mateja Cetkovic
(Lucas Castro )
22 |
2 |
West Valley |
03:14 |
Michael Rohlfing
(Mateja Cetkovic )
23 |
2 |
West Valley |
01:24 |
Alex Portera
(Tristan Grimett )
24 |
2 |
# |
GA |
Qtrs |
SV |
SH |
1A |
Ethan Ivey
(W, 0-0) |
2 |
4.0 |
2 |
# |
G |
A |
SH |
TO |
ED |
TM |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Totals |
2 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
West Valley |
11 |
16 |
7 |
2 |
36 |
San Mateo |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
West Valley |
2 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
San Mateo |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
3 |
-- 1st
San Mateo |
06:27 |
Penalty |
West Valley |
06:17 |
Mateja Cetkovic
Ejection |
San Mateo |
05:34 |
Brennan Higaki
Ejection |
San Mateo |
02:13 |
Arman Zahabi
Ejection |
-- 2nd
San Mateo |
07:24 |
Ejection |
West Valley |
06:25 |
Alex Portera
Ejection |
San Mateo |
06:00 |
Olin Gawel
Ejection |
San Mateo |
04:47 |
Denton Silfvast
Ejection |
West Valley |
03:30 |
Phil Portisch
Ejection |
-- 3rd
San Mateo |
00:10 |
David Silvestre
Ejection |
-- 4th
West Valley |
04:05 |
Danny Rendon
Ejection |
San Mateo |
04:05 |
Piero Siancas
Ejection |
Game Length: 1:15 Attendance: 0
Officials and game personnel:
Matt Folsom